Arhitektonski Kolektiv (Architecture Collective) is an architectural practice based in Split, consisted of three fellow architects, a civil engineer, and a number of regular collaborators of different professional profiles. The practice is oriented decisively towards research and action in the realms of contemporary architecture and territorial planning. The developed workshop methodology of the practice is capable of responding efficiently to different project scales, the dynamic variety of interests that define new global and local, cultural and technological landscape of today.



Sudjelovali / Participants:
Morana Ostojić, Mariana Bucat

2a2p = 2 Apartments + 2 Patios

Na kvadratičnoj čestici u junačkom padu projektirana su dva stana. Kako kuća treba biti dalmatinska, tako svaki stan treba imati po jedan patio. Patio služi da se “ne gleda u pjat”. Patio je pokriven pergolom koja svojom visinom zatvara volumen arhetipa – kućice sa dvostrešnim kosim krovom. Jedan patio sadrži bazen, a drugi zatvoreni vrt (hortus conclusus). Prvi je za turiste, drugi je za domaćina.


True that potatoes are really grateful to cultivate. A very interesting family of plants. This species is called Columba.

Later today I realized that I wrote you these were the potatoes on my building site. That meant my office designed the house and now we supervise the building site. Potatoes belong to me, to the extent where whenever I drop by for work, last time I had to inspect window sills, I pull out plants that disturb potatoes. I was convinced that it was our client who planted them. He lives in Germany (he is originally from Sarajevo) and he visited Lastovo just about the time when these were planted.

So, today I asked him what was the species. You got me curious. He didn't know. It turned out that it was not him that planted them, but the guy who sold him the plot and who has a house nearby but lately was away for a longer period of time. Once the groundworks were finished, the neighbour just planted a few rows of potatoes. He found it was a pity the garden is useless.

The neighbour thought that it was the client who cleaned the garden. When today he found out it was me, he said he owes me a beer. Thank you Jorunn, because of your interest now I have a free beer :).

What is peculiar in this situation is that the house has 2 patios - 2 closed gardens plus 3 gardens on sides. One of the patios contains water. The other one contains garden that should have "non-pragmatic" plants – only plants that are there to be beautiful such as roses, tulips, bougainvillaea... Because of these two patio gardens, the house is smaller than it could have been. It is never easy to persuade the client to build less and leave more space for the garden. We have a constant war with them and use all sorts of tricks to decrease reinforced concrete and increase green. Well, we did manage this time. 

On top of the beer, today I discovered that random neighbour was driven by instinct to the building site to plant something, but not just that - to plant potatoes! And, like a cherry on the top, even though the place is still a mess with different bits of gardens (it is on a sloped terrain) the neighbour knew precisely where was the space for potatoes and where was the space for flowers. 

I have been so happy with this funny discovery today.