HVAR squeezed

Zatečena kuća je nešto kao nabujali puding umetnut između ograda susjednih izgrađenih kuća pod konzervatorskom zaštitom. Od 41,30 m opsega, samo 8,89 m ili 22% je fasada. Utoliko nije slučajno da su njeni vlasnici upravo Nizozemci. Dakle, kuće izvana skoro da niti nema. Sve je iznutra. Iako se tome na početku suradnje Nizozemci nisu nadali, i ova rekonstrukcija počinje temeljitim rušenjem svega postojećega (osim komada uličnog pročelja). Naravno, nježnim i pažljivim rušenjem budući da su okolne kuće na staklenim nogicama. Da smo učeniji u pogledu statike, bili bi svu pažnju usmjerili na projektiranje rušenja. Ovako sjedimo i strepimo. Existing house is something like a rice pudding inserted among fences of neigbours that have been complaining and built houses under the conservationist protection. Out of 41,30 m1 of perimeter, there is only 8,89 m1 or 22% of facade that can have windows. Therefore, it is not an accident that its owners are Dutch. Therefore, from the outside the house nearly doesn’t exist. Everything is inside. Even though the Dutch never planned so, this reconstruction starts with radical demolishing of all existing (except for a bit of street elevation). Of course, it is a careful and attentive demolishing since adjecent houses stand on glass legs. If we were more erudite in statics, we would have been more concetrated on design of destruction (rather than construction). Thus we can only sit in dread.